Frequently asked Questions

Everything you always wanted to know about CAPP

+ What does CAPP stand for?

CAPP is an abbreviation for "Computer Aided Program Production" similar to the famous CAD acronym. It means CAPP is a system to design applications like with a CAD system.

+ Is CAPP a proprietary application?

Yes and no. CAPP is based on the open source systems of Apache Velocity and Telosys. It allows to use both in a very easy manner. The templates used can also be used in the Eclipse environment - without CAPP. Only the CAPP application itself is proprietary.

+ Is there an open source version?

Yes. You can download one of the first CAPP versions as open souce for Mac. Fully functional but limited in fuctionality. Simply because it does not contain any foreign code with different licenses.

+ What are the reasons for using XOJO?

XOJO is a multi platform development environment. It is fast, reliable and very versatile. Using XOJO we can provide CAPP on Mac OS and Windows PCs. Even Linux and RaspBerry would be possible.

+ How is CAPP working?

CAPP uses templates for generating code. Variables inside the templates are replaced with data. The data comes directly from a database. The templates are filled with the Apache-Velocity syntax.

+ Is CAPP adaptable to my needs?

Yes. There are three ways to adapt CAPP. First there are variables you can set. Then you can use "Embeds" - little pieces of code kept separate and embedded in your generated code at any place you want. And last but not least you can edit the templates themselves.

+ Is CAPP running in virtual machines?

Yes. All versions work with a valid license. Two hints: CAPP "calls home" in the DEMO mode, so the VM has to allow that. Any other license does not require that. And the "Documents" folder may not be a "shared folder" in the VM.

+ CAPP is causing problems at start

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